Let’s Make A Plan To Keep This Happiness Going

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Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by Shane Corbitt

It is hard to believe it has been 30 days since we started this Happiness Challenge together. We covered a lot of ground and if you followed along with the tips I shared and made an effort to improve your mood, your gratitude, and your joy, I’m sure you’re seeing a lot of progress and growth. 

Let’s take a minute and look back at everything we’ve covered so far this month: 

  1. Welcome And Why Happiness Is A Choice You Make Every Day 
  2. Make A Commitment To Cultivating Happiness
  3. What Makes You Happy? 
  4. Start Your Day With Gratefulness 
  5. The Connection Between Doing Stuff And Happiness 
  6. Stress Kills Happiness – Easy Ways To Destress 
  7. Happiness and Exercise 
  8. We Crave Human Connections 
  9. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff – Savor It  
  10. Finding Happiness in a Sea Of Sadness or Overwhelm 
  11. Fighting Against Our Brain’s Bias To Negativity 
  12. Build A Support System of Happy People Around You 
  13. Why Getting Enough Sleep May Be The Key To Happiness 
  14. Boost Your Confidence And Become Happier 
  15. Make It A Point To Make Someone’s Day 
  16. When All Else Fails, Fake It 
  17. Keep A Journal To Practice Gratitude And Happiness 
  18. Learn To Deal With Negative Thoughts and Emotions 
  19. Live In the Moment  
  20. Think & Communicate In Positive Ways 
  21. Giving Back Makes Us Happier 
  22. Meditating Your Way To A Happier You
  23. Trade Things For Experiences (travel instead of more stuff) 
  24. Happiness In Simplicity – Declutter Your Life And Your Mind 
  25. Stop Complaining. Take Action. 
  26. How Good Nutrition Can Help Your Mood 
  27. Sometimes You Need To Treat Yourself And Spend Some “Me” Time. 
  28. Happiness Is Contagious 
  29. Are You Noticing A Difference? 

I hope you’ve been following along and enjoyed this happiness challenge. It’s amazing what will happen when you start to pay attention to how you feel and do what you can to increase your happiness and that of those around you. I hope you have found some tools, techniques, tips, and ideas that have helped you increase the joy in your life. 

Where do you go from here? You keep implementing and continue to practice being happy regularly. Remember the Happiness Journal I talked about back on day 17? It’s an excellent tool you can use to keep yourself on track. 

Keep coming back to these posts as needed. It may not be a bad idea to bookmark this post as a quick reference tool. Above all, keep learning, keep smiling, and keep growing your joy and happiness. 

I’ve also just launched a NEW course, “Happiness Happens”, to help YOU Unlock The Happiness You Deserve!

Let’s Make A Plan To Keep This Happiness Going
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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