5 Amazing Things You Should Include in Your Morning Routines

Good Morning Routine
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Last Updated on February 17, 2020 by Shane Corbitt

Morning routines are not a new strategy.  Many successful entrepreneurs have been using their early mornings as a way to set the tone for the rest of their day.  It helps to start your day by putting you in the zone, that state of flow.

I have to admit, if I miss my morning routine, my day is thrown completely off making it hard to get into my deep focused work.  

You would think that spending the extra time in the morning to improve your mental and physical health would be energy draining but it’s the exact opposite. 

I find that I have more energy and am able to get more done throughout the day.  Giving me the satisfaction that I’ve been productive and moving closer toward my goals.

Sounds crazy, right!

While there are no strict guidelines you must follow for your morning routine.  There are recommendations from multiple successful entrepreneurs. 

I’ve studied morning routines from Tony Robbins, Hal Elrod, John Lee Dumas, and Darren Hardy, just to name a few.  There is a theme to the morning routines that all of these successful people practice. 

1. Plenty of Sleep

While this step might seem like it should be last on the list.  It actually is one of the most important, so I’m listing it first.

I see sleep as the beginning of my morning routine.  Plenty of sleep allows me to awaken on time, feeling energized and ready to go.

Many people overlook the importance of rest leaving them feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

It is recommended that the optimal time you should sleep each night is 7 to 9 hours.

Surprising Sleep Benefits


2. Journaling

The success guru’s consistently wake up and do some form of journaling.  Whether it be writing what you’re grateful for, writing affirmations, writing your life goals or your business goals.

This doesn’t need to be a time consuming process.  It’s a morning habit that allows you to start your day with a positive mindset.

For example, I start out with writing about what I’m grateful for than transition into listing out my 6 month goals.  This allows me to stay focused and stay on track so that I can consistently meet my deadlines.

3. Exercise

You perform some sort of exercise routine, which can be anything from yoga, running, cycling or a weight workout.  Something to get your blood pumping and endorphins flowing.  I get some of my best ideas  and strategies while working out.  This due to the conscious mind relaxing allowing for the subconscious mind to take over.

Now this doesn’t have to be a long grueling workout.  It can be 15 to 20 minutes of light exercise.  It’s not always the length of the workout but the intensity!

My exercise regimen consists of 30 – 40 minutes of cardio on an elliptical than 20 – 30 minutes of working out with weights.  My wife and I ride our bikes to and from the gym for some extra cardio also (we only live 1.5 miles away).

4. Meditation

A form of meditation is a huge part of this morning agenda.  Helping you clear your mind and leaving you refreshed for the day.

There are a wide range of benefits associated with meditation.

    • Reduce stress
    • increases your level of happiness
    • improves brain function
    • leaves you feeling more connected and focused

While there are multiple forms of meditation.  Find a form that works well for you!  The goal here is to free your mind.


Benefits of Meditation

5. Have a Healthy Breakfast

Don’t forget to add a healthy breakfast!  Now this doesn’t have to be a huge meal, it can be anything from a smoothie to oatmeal to eggs and bacon.  It’s your choice but I recommend a healthy breakfast to feed your mind and body.

Having a morning routine really helps to improve your quality of life by hitting some major areas that most people forget to give attention to.  Some say they don’t have time for any of this but I say how do you not make time.

It’s an investment in you health.  A mental, spiritual and physical investment in improving your quality and longevity of life.

I used to think that these areas of life were not very important and for that reason I never practiced any of these life changing strategies.  I use the words life changing because of the clarity, focus and happiness that they have provided me daily.

The clarity and focus needed to jump into my day full speed and accomplish my goals each and every day.

I’ve added my morning routine below as an example.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions

My morning routine:

5:00 AM – wakeup and drink some water to rehydrate.

5:15 – 5:45 AM – Journal, I start out with what I’m grateful for than write out my yearly goals and my 6 month goals.  I then write about any notable experiences over the past 24 hours.

5:45 – 6:00 AM – Meditation

6:00 – 8:00 AM  This is my exercise time.  My wife and I ride our bikes to the gym for a little extra cardio.  While at the gym we start off with 30 – 40 minutes of cardio on an elliptical than we workout with weights.

After this we have a refreshing green smoothie to get some greens, good fats and some protein.

Please let us know in the comments below whats in your morning routine or drop us an email.

5 Amazing Things You Should Include in Your Morning Routines
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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