7 Testosterone Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating

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Last Updated on December 5, 2018 by Shane Corbitt

Testosterone levels, something we commonly only associate with men, is important to the health of both men and women.  As we age our natural levels of testosterone decline.  That decline often begins around the age of 35.

Other environmental factors, such as exposure to certain medications and chemicals can contribute to the decline of testosterone levels also.  After reading an article from Dr. Mercola  I felt this information needed to be passed along to you.


Normal testosterone levels provide several health benefits:

1.  Strengthens the heart

2.  promotes bone strength

3.  Improves muscle mass

4.  Improves mood

5.  Enhances mental health


What’s needed to produce testosterone?

To produce testosterone, your body requires several different nutrients.  Among the nutrients more often depleted are vitamin D3 and zinc.  Zinc is an essential nutrient present in certain foods.  Vitamin D can be manufactured by your body when your skin is exposed the sun and also through certain foods.

Stress is a natural testosterone killer.  When your body experiences stress it releases a hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol works against testosterone lowering its effects on your body.


7 Foods That Can Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels


This beautiful red fruit has been used medicinally for centuries.  With high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E and iron, researchers have found one glass of pomegranate juice a day can increase testosterone levels between 16 percent and 30 percent improve mood, and increase libido.

Blood pressure fell and positive emotions rose as well among those consuming pomegranate juice.  While many of the research studies have looked into pomegranate juice, I strongly suggest consuming the fruit in its whole form instead.

Not only will this give you added fiber (which is found in the edible seeds), but it will ensure that you’re not overdoing it on fructose, which is found in high levels in all types of fruit juice.  That being said, even the whole fruit is high in sugar and should be eaten only in moderation.


Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil carries a powerful punch in your quest to increase testosterone.  In research, participants who consumed olive oil daily experienced an increase in testosterone levels between 17 percent and 19 percent over a three-week period



An occasional serving of crab or lobster may do your testosterone levels some good.  This is thanks in part to the zinc content in these seafood favorites.

According to the National Institutes of Health, Alaskan king crab has 43 percent of your daily value of zinc in just a 3-ounce serving.


Tuna and Wild Caught Salmon

Tuna and Salmon are rich in vitamin D, which has been linked to longer life and testosterone production.  They are also heart-healthy, protein-rich food that’s low in calories.

Whether you choose frozen or fresh, eating these fish can be a natural way of boosting testosterone.  A serving of tuna or salmon fulfills your daily vitamin D needs.

If you aren’t a tuna or salmon fan, you may consider other fishy sources of vitamin D.  Remember that moderation is key.  Aim for a max of two to three servings a week to minimize your intake of mercury, which is found in seafood.



Your body requires healthy saturated fats to produce most hormones, testosterone included.  Coconut will help your body’s ability to produce cholesterol, necessary for optimal health, help reduce body fat and maintain your weight.  Weight control is another natural way of improving your testosterone production.


Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli and cauliflower may help a man’s body excrete excess estrogen and increase the amount of testosterone available to cells.  Indole-3-carbinol, a compound found in cruciferous vegetables, may increase the excretion of estradiol (one estrogen hormone) in some men by up to 50 percent, thus increasing the amount of testosterone available.



While this fragrant herb doesn’t contain the necessary nutrients to produce testosterone, it does contain allicin, a compound that lowers the levels of cortisol in your body.  With your cortisol levels lowered, your body can more effectively and efficiently use the testosterone that is produced.

Along with these 7 foods there are 4 other ways you can help in the battle of keeping your testosterone in the normal range.

1. Weight loss

2. Exercise

3. Reduce your stress levels

4. Reduce carbohydrate (sugar) intake

Staying active and eating healthy will lead to weight loss and all of them combined will help boost your testosterone.  Even if you have all of these factors going in your favor it can still be an uphill battle but they will definitely improve your health and get you on the right path.

7 Testosterone Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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