Create a Legacy, Not a Spreadsheet

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Creating a wealth mindset is a tool. Your mindset is a tool that you use to make better decisions and create long-lasting wealth. Why do you want wealth? There are many reasons that people want more resources:

  • Status
  • Options
  • High-quality
  • Freedom 
  • And more

If I were to poll 100 people, I might get 10 categories of answers as to why they want to be wealthy. One of those answers might be to have more options or to quit working for someone else – both super good reasons. One reason is very powerful though… to create a legacy. 

Wealth isn’t just about spreadsheets and net worth. Wealth is a mindset and a way of living. Wealth is all about being generous and thinking outside of immediate and personal need to the needs and benefit to generations. There is little more satisfying than knowing your actions will impact your kids, their kids, and possibly their kids. That’s a lot of kids to share your legacy.

Creating a legacy with your wealth includes tangible and intangible assets. Things like:

  • Money
  • Resources
  • Your philosophies 
  • Your relationships
  • Your mentorship
  • Your morals and values

The more you invest in your wealth mindset, the more value you bring to the table. Your influences and teachings hold as much value as your income and your status. The better you are at living life and being an excellent role model the more future generations will look to you for expertise and guidance.

As you build your wealth, put as much emphasis on creating a legacy as you do on creating a spreadsheet. Put as much effort into being the very best version of yourself as you do into managing your money. Generations will thank you for it. 

wealth mindset
Create a Legacy, Not a Spreadsheet
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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