Money Doesn’t Create Happiness – It Creates Choices

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Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by Shane Corbitt

When money is an issue, it may seem like having more creates happiness. The lack of financial problems certainly would lend itself towards being happier but having more money doesn’t increase long-term happiness. What money does create is choices. 

The more money you have, the more choices you can make. This can be a great thing or an overwhelming thing depending on the skill sets you have. Let’s see why:

We already know that more money can equal more problems, especially knowing that money magnifies who you already are. If your day-to-day personality is high-strung and anxious, having more money is not going to stop that from happening- It is going to magnify it. If you are even-mannered and conscientious about your spending, you’ll likely be more so with more wealth. 

As you work to earn more money, it is equally important to work to be the healthiest person you can be all the way around. This way, as your choices unfold, you can make the best ones for your situation. You can avoid the lottery effect and keep yourself from making grim mistakes that might cost you more than you have to lose. You can create a legacy that will last for generations. 

If you struggle with your happiness, finding more income will not fully improve your mood. Going after wealth is fine but be sure to go after what truly makes you happy at the same time. You can explore why you are not as happy as you’d like with a counselor or trusted friend and you can take action to bring happiness into your life organically. Here are a few areas to consider when trying to increase your happiness:

Relationships- Being isolated and disconnected from community isn’t a healthy thing. Even introverts need community. Building a high-quality peer group and engaging in activities on a regular basis increases happiness.

Self-care- Taking care of yourself is an important aspect of personal happiness. Being aware of what you need to do to refuel and recharge your batteries will help you have the energy you need to manage your happiness. 

Purpose- A sense of purpose or having a “purpose driven life” as the popular book discusses, is an excellent way to find happiness. Doing something for others and feeling as though you know why you are here is always a good thing. 

Going after wealth is a noble and exciting thing, but it won’t guarantee you’ll be happy. Happiness isn’t contingent on money. Having money will definitely give you more choices, be ready for unlimited options by finding your happiness through people, purpose, and taking care of yourself. 

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Money Doesn’t Create Happiness - It Creates Choices
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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