5 Easy Steps To Building Your Dream Board

Turn Your Dreams Into A Reality!

5 Easy Steps To Building Your Dream Board
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Last Updated on January 30, 2020 by Shane Corbitt

Setting our goals has become as common-place as making a to-do list. However, by choosing to create yourself a dream board, you can begin to take action in fuelling your desires and dreams with the positive attention that it needs.

In order to manifest our dreams, we must first learn to align our emotions and energies with our ‘intent’. A dream board offers a fun, easy and cheap way to do this.

Step 1

First, you will need a large cork board.

Any size board can be appropriate, depending on where you will want to hang it (and how many dreams you have!). Cork boards can also be incredibly inexpensive, so this is the perfect manifestation exercise for anyone looking to create positive change in their life.

Step 2

Next, you will need to begin to collect images/quotes/words/pictures that best represent what you want to achieve, how you want to feel or who you want to be in your life.

You can find your items for your board either on the internet, in magazines or even from nature or your daily environment.

Fill your board with as much inspiration as possible! If you want to travel – find some pictures of your dream travel destinations. If you want to lose weight – stick on images of your ideal physic. If you want to make money – why not write a check out to yourself, with the amount of your choice, and include it on your board.

Be original and unique when choosing what to put on the board; don’t conform to what you believe you ‘should’ want i.e. pictures of wealth, a six-pack, a big house on a tropical island. Instead, select images and words that truly represent you and what you would like to see manifest in your life. Anything that makes you feel excited and gets the butterflies in your stomach going, is the kind of thing that is a ‘must’ for your board.

Step 3

Once your board is full of as many inspiring and uplifting images and words as you can find, you should find a photo of yourself where you radiate happiness. Stick the photo in the center of your dream board. Underneath this smiling picture of yourself, write in BOLD and BRIGHT letters the caption ‘This or something even better now manifests for me in divine and appropriate timing.’

As you complete your dream board, feel good about what you have just accomplished. Let the positivity in the images before you, fill you with excitement for the future.

Step 4

Now for the unexpected part of creating your dream board – forgetting about it! You have given your dream board enough attention whilst you were creating it; now just let it ‘be’.

Keep your board somewhere that you can see it; perhaps put it on your bedroom wall, above your bed or in your office cubicle. However, try to remember that the key is to not stress too much about constantly giving the board your attention. Let it seep into the background and enter into your sub-conscious.

When we try to ‘force’ something our energies are lowered, as we are entering into emotions of desperation and worry. So, feel good about making your dream board and relax in the faith that the universe will provide you with all that you have asked for. This will raise your positive energies and help you to maintain an open mind – helping you to better spot when the right opportunities and resources come your way.

Step 5

Remember, having a vision board is not a substitution for effort. Realizing your dreams still requires action, so be sure to continue taking steps towards achieving your goals.

When we ask for something, we often find that it usually comes to us in the most unexpected of ways. So, continue your life with an open heart and mind – before you know it, your dreams will begin to manifest in the most surprising and beautiful ways.

5 Easy Steps To Building Your Dream Board
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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