How to Overcome Perfectionism

Tips for getting things done

how to overcome perfectionism
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Last Updated on November 5, 2020 by Shane Corbitt

One of the most common challenges that we face when working on a new project or task is to overcome perfectionism.  The feeling of “it has to be perfect” before the project can be completed.

Many times it’s holding ourselves to a higher standard of excellence or a fear of failure that keeps us shackled to that need for perfectionism.

I’ve struggled with perfectionism for most of my life.  Always having a need for the perfect plan before I would take action.  Missing out on opportunities because I didn’t feel that I could complete the project or launch a product perfectly.

We often times sell ourselves short, allowing fear and doubt to cloud our judgment.  Always being our own worst critics.

Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t strive to be as good as possible or that we shouldn’t always be looking for ways to improve.  I am saying that maybe we put to much emphasis on getting it perfect that we never start or we never complete our goals or projects.

This also isn’t an excuse to be mediocre!

My goal here is for you to realize that your best is good enough.  That your idea is good enough and you can be successful.

So below I’ve included a few actionable thoughts to help get you started in your journey to getting things done.

Set Realistic Goals

Perfectionists set goals that are completely out of reach.  This only leads to frustration and to feelings of failure. 

The solution is to set realistic goals.

Starting out this was really hard for me.  I felt as though I was settling or being mediocre.  In actuality, it sets you up for success and boosts your confidence.  Getting you pumped for the next challenge on your project list.

There are some key steps that you will need to clarify in order to set realistic goals.

Step 1: Identify your goal

Step 2: Identify the obstacles to obtaining your goal

Step 3: Develop an action plan

Step 4: Set a deadline

The key here is to set a goal that is within reach than take it up a couple of notches, to make you work for it.  Develop an action plan that will guide you through the process.  Last and one of the most important, set a deadline.

Just like your goal the deadline must be achievable but still difficult enough to reach that you have to really work for it.  This creates a greater sense of satisfaction and success.

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Compare Yourself to Yourself

Comparing yourself to others, especially in today’s digital world, is easy to do and will certainly send you down the path to failure.  It’s so easy to view others on social media and see their success.

What about their failures?  That’s the part of the journey you don’t see. 

My advice is to compare you to you!  Strive each day to better than you were the previous day.  Always looking for ways to optimize and improve your life.

I guarantee that if you are setting goals, taking action towards those goals each day, and improving yourself on a daily basis you will be successful.

Shoot For Good Enough

What if instead of working toward perfection we worked toward being good enough?  Would you be selling yourself short?

Finding a balance between good enough and perfectionism is crucial.  This balance allows you to complete your goals without getting caught up in trying to improve something too much.

Enjoy Life

Perfectionists focus on the destination.  So focused they often times neglect other important areas of their lives.

Allowing yourself to be good enough will not only reduce your stress levels but will allow you to focus that effort toward family, friends, yourself. 

Remember the destination is just the icing on the cake.  It’s the journey along the way that you need to enjoy. 

So many of us are focused on the destination that we forget to enjoy the journey.  Many times when we reach that destination it’s not as satisfying as we had imagined.

We often go through life focusing so much on the future that we neglect the present and sometimes that future never comes.  I hope this information impacts your life as much as it has mine.

Please feel free to comment below or send me an email letting me know your thoughts.

How to Overcome PerfectionismHow to Overcome Perfectionism
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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