Your 3 Step Guide To Using Affirmations

Your 3 Step Guide To Using Affirmations
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Last Updated on October 7, 2019 by Shane Corbitt

Affirmations And How To Use Them

The power of the spoken word should never be underestimated when we are looking to deliberately attract and manifest positive change in our lives.

Words are largely responsible for the people that we are today; the words that we use to describe ourselves, as well as the words of others, have a serious impact on the people that we grow up to be.

Be it positive or negative, a single spoken word or sentence can plant a seed within the brain, which if watered with enough attention over a period of time, will grow to become a reality.

It is important to remember that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a fact and something that you have imagined. Therefore, if you have spent a lifetime using words such as shy/lazy/fat/unsuccessful to describe yourself, whether they are a true description or not, this is what will come to manifest in your life.

So as you can see, in order to emit an entirely different (and more positive) frequency to the universe, you need to begin using your words differently. This is where the power of affirmations can come in handy.

What are Affirmations?

An affirmation is a repeated and spoken statement, preferably spoken in first person and using the present tense. When we use affirmations, we are trying to align our emotions and frequency with our intent. This is why it is important that when using affirmations, we speak as though we have already achieved our goals – as this helps to promote within us the positive emotions and thoughts that we want the universe to manifest more of.

For example, someone that is hoping to lose weight might choose to say the following affirmation whilst looking in the bathroom mirror every morning.

‘I love having a slim and happy body.’

Because the law of attraction works on the basis that the universe responds to our thoughts and energies, when we use affirmations we are raising our emotional frequency with increased positivity – aligning our thoughts and energies with our ‘intent’. This is why affirmations are such an effective tool for deliberate attraction, as they assist to speed up the manifestation process when we are looking to attract something into our lives.

Repetition is key when using affirmations. This is because the more we tell ourselves something – I.e. ‘I am a magnet for all the good that life has to offer’ – the deeper the message is ingrained and accepted into our sub-conscious, manifesting it in our lives.

Your 3-Step Guide To Using Affirmations

1. Write Down Your Affirmation. Write affirmations that are goal orientated, in present tense and as though they have already been achieved.

2. Believe In It. In order to attract positive change into your life, you need to be emitting the most positive frequency possible. So, feel good whilst you repeat your affirmations to yourself. Really listen to your words and allow the positivity in what you are saying to wash over you.

3. Repeat Often. The more you repeat your affirmations, the deeper they will become ingrained in your subconscious. Repetition creates belief. So, tell yourself something enough times and it will become real for you – manifesting in your life.

Tips and Hints for Using Affirmations

Leave affirmations around the house or workplace. Write your affirmations on post-it notes and stick them to your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your wardrobe door – absolutely anywhere you can think of! You can even have them as your pc screensaver at work.

Use affirmations that are believable to you. When you use affirmations that are unbelievable to you, you doubt what you are saying. This will only result in more negativity, preventing your desires from manifesting. Therefore, if you are struggling to believe in the words of your affirmations, put the words ‘I am in the process of…’ or ‘I have decided…’ at the begging of your affirmations. This will make your affirmations truer for you, raising your frequency to one of positivity. i.e. ‘I am in the process of attracting more money.’ 

Try saying ‘thank-you’ at the beginning of your affirmations. Saying ‘thank-you’ is a great way of acting ‘as if’, as you are telling yourself that you are already enjoying something.

Practice affirmations first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Use affirmations during meditation. If you practice meditation, try incorporating your affirmations into your meditation sessions. A meditative mind is one of relaxation and calm – the perfect state for affirmations.

Concentrate on no more than a few affirmations at a time. This will help you to keep focus on what it is that you want, helping to make your affirmations more successful.

Here are some affirmations to get you started…

I am a magnet for all the good that life has to offer.

I give no power to limiting beliefs

I have everything I need to be happy right now

I am creating a wonderful future for myself right now.

I am now in perfect harmony with the universal laws of attraction.

I am the master of my own destiny.

I attract what I talk about, so I only speak positive words.

I can have, do, or be anything I choose.

I easily attract all the abundance, love and joy that I want.

I know that nothing happens without my having invited it.

I know that size is nothing to the universe; therefore I dream big!

I live my life according to the laws of the universe.

Miracles happen in my life every day.

My life is full of miracles.

My dreams are coming true every day.

My life is one miracle after another.

My life is unfolding exactly as I have visualized.

My positive energy draws positive circumstances and people into my life.

My positive thoughts and beliefs manifest all of my dreams.

My purpose is in perfect harmony with the laws of the universe.

My request for a miracle is being answered right now.

My subconscious mind attracts health, wealth, and happiness into my life.

My thoughts draw towards me all that I need and desire.

The power that created me is the same power I use to create my life.

There is no limit to what I can manifest in my life.

Success Manifestations

Whatever I conceive and believe, I will achieve.

Tomorrow I will be where my thoughts go today.

I can have, do, or be anything I choose.

Success and achievements are natural outcomes for me.

I am example of success and triumph.

Every action I undertake is a success.

Everything I need to succeed, lies within me.

I always achieve all that I set out to do.

I am a winner!

I am the architect of my success.

I deserve to be successful.

Money Affirmations

Through the universal law of attraction, I manifest great abundance in my life.

I welcome financial freedom and ease now.

I can feel my abundance growing daily.

I trust in the universe to grow my abundance.

I always have more than enough money.

I know that financial well-being is my right.

My financial situation is growing day by day.

The universe provides everything I need.

I know that more money is coming to me.

I am grateful for the ability to manifest money.

Health/Weight-Loss Affirmations

I am attaining and maintaining my ideal weight.

My body is strong and healthy.

I love myself.

My body naturally sheds unwanted fat.

My body is easily satisfied with a small amount of food.

I have a strong urge to eat only health-giving and nutritious foods.

I take good care of my health.

I have perfect control of my weight.

I am attracting people and information that will help me to live a healthy life.

I release my being to find health and lovingly.

I release my being to find its perfect eating plan, whatever that may be.

I am in tune with how my body feels and what it needs.

I enjoy perfect health.

Love Affirmations

My heart is always open and I radiate love.

I love myself and everybody else and in return everybody loves me.

Everywhere I go, I find love.

It is easy for me to express love and in return, it is easily expressed back to me.

I clearly see myself in love with the man/woman of my dreams.

I am attracting emotionally available partners to my loving and giving spirit.

Long-lasting, loving relationships brighten my life.

I rejoice in the love I encounter every day.

I am safe in all of my relationships. I am always treated well.

This will get you started on the path to attracting the life you deserve. Get the FREE Law of Attraction Toolkit and take your desires to the next level.

Your 3 Step Guide To Using Affirmations
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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