5 Best Books for New Entrepreneurs

5 Best Books For New Entrepreneurs
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Last Updated on November 5, 2020 by Shane Corbitt

While researching success habits of entrepreneurs I came across several habits that consistently appeared. One that really stood out was the daily ritual of reading for self-improvement.

Many of these successful entrepreneurs set time aside during their morning routines.  Allowing for at least 30 minutes of reading time each day.

As a new entrepreneur, you have a great business idea along with your business goals planned out.  Let’s not reinvent the wheel here, let’s learn from the successful and create a much easier path for your journey by learning from the successes and failures of others.

When I started my journey as an entrepreneur I didn’t have a mentor letting me know that I needed to devote time to self-improvement.  I jumped in headfirst and learned the hard way.

I quickly figured out that making time each day to learn and self-improvement was crucial to making my business work.

Constant learning is key to self-improvement and success.

Now I know this is much easier said than done.  There are so many books out there to choose from and you’re not sure where to start.  There are many other great books to read but I recommend starting with the below five books. 

That’s why I’m recommending these five books.  They will provide you a huge advantage in starting your business.

1.The Compound Effect by Darren hardy

Most people feel that in order to become a success you have to big leaps in progress.  The Compound Effect teaches us the exact opposite.

What if small actions, executed consistently, would lead to successful results?

That is exactly what you will learn when reading this book.  It’s the butterfly effect, where small changes now lead to huge impacts down in the future.

How changing or improving one thing in your life can hugely impact your future.  What if you consistently worked on and improved one small thing each week?  How big of a change would occur over time?  How many goals could you accomplish?

2. Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi

This book is not about adding more time to your day. It is about replacing those things that are not serving your future and replacing them with success habits designed specifically to assist you on your journey to that better you.

Dean has one purpose in mind, getting you to implement these success Habits into your daily routine.

3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is one of the all-time greats!  It’s a curation of the 13 most common habits of wealthy and successful people, compiled from studying over 500 individuals over the course of 20 years.

Hill concluded that these 13 success habits are essential and a must to becoming a success but must be faithfully practiced. 

There are so many great points that Hill makes in this book that it’s literally impossible to go into much detail.  If you only read one book this year, it must be this one!


4. The One Thing by Gary Keller

Have you ever had the trouble of having an over-scheduled calendar or an overabundance of tasks on your to-do list?

Gary has one goal in mind, getting you to focus on “The One Thing” that you can do today to move yourself closer to your goal.  Start with the “focusing question”. “What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

To guide you on this path to success, Gary covers the 80/20 principle, goal setting, time blocking and productivity hacks. 

Not sure if this book warrants a read?  Think about this, are you going from task to task and checking the boxes off your to-do list and not actually making any real progress toward your goal(s)? Maybe you’re having trouble deciding what tasks to forget and which tasks to work on?

Focusing on your One Thing can be life-changing!

5. Deep Work by Cal Newport

Deep Work discusses how in today’s world of technology, there are so many distractions keeping us from performing at our best.  Keeping us from that deep focused work.

In the first half of the book, Cal covers the principles of deep work and how it maximizes your productivity.  While the second half goes into the creation and implementation of the techniques.


As you begin on your journey of reading these timeless entrepreneur assets.  Stay positive and focused on your self-improvement.

One of my all-time favorite quotes is  “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

As you read through these books, keep in mind these questions.

What are the common themes among these books?

Are you taking what you learn and implementing it?

Do you have clear goals set to achieve and move forward?

Is that task or project on your calendar going to move you closer to your goal?

These are just a few of the questions you’ll be asking yourself once you get through this reading list.  It will feel intimidating and uncomfortable at first.

Always remember,  it’s the uncomfortable and scary things that we do that creates success!

To get you started on the habit of thirty minutes of reading a day.  Read my blogs “5 Amazing Things You Should Include In Your Morning Routines” and “7 Ways To Increase Your Productivity And Be More Efficient”.

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5 Best Books for New Entrepreneurs5 Best Books for New Entrepreneurs5 Best Books for New Entrepreneurs
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Shane Corbitt is a retired Physician Assistant with 20 years experience in healthcare and fitness. His passion has always been helping people reach their full potential through focusing on health, mentally and physically, and their happiness. Feel free to send Shane a message here.


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